Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

I find this situation fascinating. All of the hard facts Amy has to deal with never occurred to me. She can’t make friends with anyone in Victor’s life, she can’t leave any traces of herself behind so it’s as if she were never there (That made me kind of sad) yet by not going the cold, clinical route they are making it much harder not to bond. For two intelligent people that have thought of everything they are going about this in a way that, I think, is going to make it hard to go their separate ways. Yea!! lol Leave no reminders of herself behind? Except a child that may look like her or, one day, exhibit some of her characteristics. On paper this is all cut and dried but I find it hard to believe either of them will be able to be that tough in the end. Not making friends with Hannah makes sense. How awkward would that be? Sorry Hannah, gotta fly. It’s time for me to have sex (hot, holy shit, that’s good sex) with the man you love. What about the staff that will be there to help and care for her in the event she has a difficult pregnancy? I understand her way of thinking I just don’t see it being that easy peasy. Ooooh, this is getting juicy! You are on a roll Kate, keep it going!

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Hi Maria, I’m so pleased you are all picking up on the tension, challenges and emotions. I made the first chapters so long to get those details in. I’d seriously love to take this series forward into multiple seasons because, like KEJ and Meet Cute, the possibilities are infinite. Thank you for your lovely comment and continued support

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

I agree this could definitely go for multiple seasons. I know I’m not the only one hooked even though it’s just getting going. It’s like a baby that took its first steps yesterday and is running today. You know it’s very soon but, none the less, it’s happening! lol

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Hi Maria sorry I am late getting to messages. Next stop, chapter seven in the morning I think

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Not to worry. I know you’re a busy bee with a job and a life. lol

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

There you have it, the Surrogate, the sometimes GF, and Victor! What a threesom. As the saying goes, What could possibly go wrong or right or together? Kate, you have done itbro us again. Just trying to explain to others why we seem distracted from daily living. Oh, what? I was thinking about something else, lime what is up with Victor and Amy or Hannah, I'll explain later! See?

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Hi Chester this series is an emotional roller coaster with lots of potential pit falls. I’m loving navigating through the minefield of life’s tenderness. Thank you for your continued support.

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Your style, thought process and attention to life details makes this story like your others a pool of interesting thoughts to swim about. I know what I am hoping for but I will read and find out as I go.

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Hi Steve. I’m thrilled you are enjoying the series. Thanks for the lovely compliment and all your support

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

Superb Kate. What an intricate set of intertwining issues to deal with in a story of growing complexity. Once again, written in your inimitable style. I simply don’t have the words for high enough praise. We are all pondering where this tale may lead, and I’m delighted that it looks increasingly like a long term project.

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Hi Martin, I'm thrilled you are enjoying this series as much as I love writing it. The complexity of emotions is my main area of fascination and I'm pleased it resonates with you. Thank you for all your kind support.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

Now my mind is going to Hannah. How the hell is she going to handle this?! How will she ever be able to look at that kid and not think of its beautiful mother and how it was conceived? A “relationship break” is one thing but being under the same roof and seeing the woman your boyfriend is sleeping with is totally different. As long as she keeps her ass in the gym on her little bike and doesn’t try to interfere I’m good. If not, someone is going to get kicked out of the mansion! 🤣🤣

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

Hannah adds an interesting wrinkle

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I have a few cards up my sleeve to play 😂. This could turn into a multi series I think. It’s turning out to be an exciting story I think

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

Most definitely an exciting story

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Thank you

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

The plot thickens. Questions in both the story and the reader. Well conceived.

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Hi Bill, I’m thrilled you like it. It feels like the series could run for a few seasons. Things are occurring to me as we go. Hannah was always planned but her true nature only came to me while I was typing. Thank you for all of your support

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With the introduction of Hannah and her cold crass attitude this chapter puts a major crimp in my thoughts on where this chapter was heading

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Hi retailstocker. I don't see the characteristics in Hannah you described. Perhaps, publishing and reading in chapters, judging plot or character development part way through an arc is not a reliable indicator. I hope this series improves for you but I'm sure you appreciate that I must go wherever the story leads me. Hopefully our destinations are aligned.

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The cold crass attitude was referring to Amy but you did clear up Hannah’s role in this

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