
😂 Love it... sex toy. I can imagine Harvard giving them out free.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

This young lady is crazy if she really thinks she will be able to walk away from her baby, especially if she breast feeds and gets that level of bonding.

Not to mention the handsome, submissive, giant-cocked billionaire 😉

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Ahh, now then.... that's interesting. Is Victor submissive? I haven't really revealed that Jeff. I had you in mind this time because you guessed my plan for A Scrupulous Bull when you said Andrew falls in love with every woman he sleeps with. I'll keep you guessing for another day. Thank you for your support!

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

Maybe you have written him too well, Kate. I'm definitely getting a sub vibe from him. Of course, you've fooled me before 🤣 I look forward to reading the rest.

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You have a pretty good detection rate.

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Nicely concocted, with good tension. I like both characters.

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Hi Bill, thank you so much. I hope you continue enjoying the series

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

As you know Kate, I am playing catch up with your stories, but I refuse to rush them. Your tales deserve to be relished, absorbed and turned into vivid scenarios in our imaginations. Amy is developing into a very interesting woman, and the way in which she dealt with the sister was a delight. Victor, meanwhile, seems also at too good to be true. I look forward to learning more about all of them. A wonderful slow burn.

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Hi Martin you are so kind and I really appreciate your support for my work. Take all the time you need, the stories will always be there for you. I loved the dynamic evolving between Amy and Victor as well.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

Beautifully written Kate, love the fact that the female character is as strong as the male character. Equals to the end, as it should be in fiction as well as real life.

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Hi John thank you for your support. I love this series as well. I hope you continue enjoying this story.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

I can't believe she is so lacking in experience, particularly one of the great ones! Loving this story - great characters and I think there may be feelings on the horizon. Mind you, I've been wrong many times before!😁

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Hi Mike. I read a book called “ The happiness advantage” by Shawn Achor. I’m supposed to understand this shit for my day job so Please don’t accuse me of being sad by sharing this factoid with you. Here is a quote from the book

Based on my study of Harvard undergraduates, the average number of romantic relationships over four years is less than one. The average number of sexual partners, if you’re curious, is 0.5 per student.

What is the point of going to Uni if it’s not fun? What does half a sexual partner look like?

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Kate Granger

Wow! Too busy studying to actually experience and enjoy life. I assume half a partner is a sex toy!😁 (And I would never accused anyone of being sad for actually knowing things!)

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I can’t believe I know this sort of information. Maybe I should become a nun and carry on writing erotica from a mountaintop convent

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I couldn't agree more. With the birth of their prodigy and the following nourishment for months of feeding. Kate will be sure to make that negotiated settlement take up whole chapter. Great story, very nice story... end of the second chapter and we are still building the physical tension. I love her route to the connection.

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Hi Chester, I'm always buoyed by your support and kind comments. I'm pleased you like this series and that it seems to be going down well with many others. It took some figuring out to set an appropriate scene but I'm enjoying the story.

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