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Kate’s Point Of View
I blinked, smiled, then raised an arm and checked my wedding band, loving how the two rings set beautifully together, side by side. I rolled onto my side, saw Jacob grinning widely, and laughed.
“It’s our first day as a married couple, Jacob. How do you feel?”
“In what way, sweetheart?”
“I feel a greater sense of belonging to you, and as though Alicia is properly joined into that.”
“Karl is working on changing Alicia’s surname and getting the full adoption documents approved. He says it’s an easier process now that we’re married.”
“A lot of things will become easier now, Kate.”
I casually rolled over in our bed and lay on my front, twisting my head sideways to stare at Jacob.
You’re so beautiful.
I reached out and curled my fingers around his, enjoying the solid feel of a gold band on his wedding finger. I was slightly confused and waited, but I had to ask with no explanation forthcoming from my husband.